The Cape Hauy Track has always been OK, with a bit of work done across the top of the hill some years ago to reduce erosion on the damp bits. Obviously though, the prospect of 10,000 extra walkers descending on it if the
Three Capes Walk is ever completed meant that some upgrades were required. Some upgrade! They've cut a wide swathe from Fortescue Bay up onto the top of the hill, and put in a wide benched track, stonework, bridges and more, as well as re-routing a few bits.
The track down onto Cape Hauy has been widened, hardened and re-routed a bit - 12th February 2012 |
The track down the hill onto the cape proper has been somewhat re-routed and widened, and it is even more obvious visually than it used to be. The track workers were hard at it out on the cape, and I saw a
Facebook post just after
my walk from the PWS saying that the
last bit of the track was to be closed for 4-6 weeks from 15th February 2012 to allow work to be done there. I'm just hoping they don't put railings around the end - that would just cap it off.
Overall, the work seems visually excessive, but is very well done and must provide the level of walking ease and comfort which will be expected by the punters who are apparently going to pay $200 each to walk the Three Capes Track.
Beautiful drystone arched bridge, Cape Hauy Track - 12th April 2012 |
I will admit to being impressed with the drystone arched bridge, great work. Likewise the steps and other stonework is superb, it's a pity the track couldn't be suitably hardened without turning into a highway. The Three Capes Walk seems economically marginal at a cost of $35M, and the
alternative proposal is more attractive I believe.
Stone steps on the Cape Hauy Track - 12th April 2012 |