Thursday, 22 November 2018

Freycinet Peninsula - November 2018

Back to Freycinet for an "easy" walk to get back in the habit of carrying an overnight pack.

I took the coastal route in, and it looks to me like there's been some trackwork since I last went that way.

There was water at Cooks Beach as usual, and if the rain over this week happens as predicted, the tanks should fill up. There was no water anywhere else, except for a tiny trickle on rocks on the eastern side of Mount Graham, and I doubt you could find a way to harvest it. Even the stagnant ditch at Wineglass Bay South was dry. The east coast certainly was in drought until the last few days, but maybe some decent rain will now fall.

Several tracks show signs of minimal maintenance, but maybe that's usual at the end of winter.

The place was mostly suitably deserted beyond Lagunta Creek, with only the occasional passing boat or plane. This enabled easy washing in the sea without offending anyone - the only people encountered were high on Mount Graham.

This remains a delightfully peaceful place, and I must go back to photograph the birds.

Flag Iris - Freycinet Nov 2018

Gull taking his crab (what remains of it) so I can't steal it.

New flower for me - Gompholobium huegelii, Common Wedgepea.

Cooks Beach - Squall across the bay, it seemed to rain on Swansea for a while.

Wineglass Bay and the Hazards from Mount Freycinet.

Wineglass Bay and the Hazards - Panorama from Mount Graham. (Full-size link below)
Link to full-size panorama from Mount Graham. (Large file!)

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